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There Is A Difference Between Knowing The Path And Walking The Path.

Read my full life transformation story

My life story started exactly like yours. Yes, I was in the same situation as you are now and yes, I had to make that hard decision because I couldn’t see myself living for too long if I continued that way. Why am I saying this? Well, imagine this scenario: working up to 100 hours a week as a taxi driver, where all I did was work a lot, eat a bit and sleep whenever I could. But one day, after coming from a long shift, I went straight to sleep without even eating and woke up 19 hours later. In all that time, I didn’t leave the bed, not even to pee. I remember opening my eyes a couple of times, and all I wanted to do was fall asleep again. When I finally found the strength to stand up, I felt like I was hit by a train, dehydrated, hungry and with excruciating pain on the left side of my body under my ribs. This was a big warning sign that made me rethink my life. You can tell by now that my mental state wasn’t at its best. Actually, it wasn’t good at all. My confidence was very low, and I had zero social life. I only saw one way to escape this situation, and that was to get back in the gym. So, I went straight to the nearest gym in my area and created a 12 - month membership. It was the cheapest option, but more than that, I was determined to stay consistent in my new journey. So, every day for the next six months, I would wake up at 4 am to do my workout, and then I would go to work. Yes, I was committed, determined, but I was also motivated by my situation. I reached the lowest point of my life at that time and the lowest body weight I had in the last 15 years. The process wasn’t easy at all, and I had days when I was extremely tired, so tired that I filled my car tank with petrol instead of diesel in one night. Six months down the line, I was back on my feet, I was winning again in life. So, I sat down for the second time with myself because I felt that there is something else out there waiting to be found. I didn’t know what, all I knew that my taxi driver "career" needed to end, and I started questioning myself about what I should do next. I also knew that I wanted to do something out of passion, where I could be of help and have continuous growth because I wanted to reach that point where I could stop trading time for money. Funny enough, the answer to my question came through a client that I picked up one night. He saw me fit and asked me about my fitness training and if I did any personal training on the side because he had a friend who worked as a taxi driver and did personal training on the side. I said that I only worked out for myself and that driving was all I did. Then he followed up and asked me if I ever thought about trying what his friend was doing. I said that I hadn’t thought about it before, but I would definitely think about it from now on. So, that’s what I did. After reaching home that night, I went straight to my laptop and looked for personal training schools. Of course, I didn’t want to go to just any school, so I looked for the best one, which happened to be the most expensive one. Even if I had no savings, I decided to start that one. So, in the next three months I saved like never before, borrowed some money from my friends and got a small discount from the teacher who happened to be the owner of that school. I am telling you that it was one of the most amazing experiences I had in my life. As soon as I got the certificate, which was immediately after my 32nd birthday (I know, right? The best birthday present that I could possibly get), I applied for a PT position in the same gym, the one that helped me to change my life and stayed there for a good few years. Since then, I changed hundreds of people's lives and I want to change way more than that, that’s why I put my all into the programs that I have on my website. I want you to take a few things from my life story and that is it's never too late to change your life around. One major decision can start the process and the harder your life is the more you can achieve. Rock bottom is not the end; it's the beginning, the beginning of a new life and only you can make it happen or not, help will come in your way once you decide to change. From there, there is only one way, all the way up. How up? That’s up to you. You decide if the sky is the limit or just a stepping stone in your journey. Be bold when it comes to life - changing decisions because all you have to risk is your old life, which isn’t that great anyway and once you decide take action. Have a plan, trust the process and give yourself time. How much time? As much as is needed. Your journey is unique and adjustments will have to be made, so don’t expect perfection because you will never start in that way. YOUR TIME IS NOW!

Don't Take My Word For It!

Here is what the past and current clients had to say about my work...